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Magic Show @ Broadway Comedy Club - March 16

From: Joanna A.
Sent on: Friday, March 15, 2013, 8:47 AM

Hi there -

The magic show at Broadway Comedy Club is one day away.  Please use the link below to book your tickets so I can reserve your space for the show.

Prepare to be amazed, astounded and entertained during this afternoon magic show at the Broadway Comedy Club in the heart of New York's famed Times Square. One of a rotating lineup of skilled New York magicians will impress you with a variety of illusions, which may range from sleight-of-hand skills to fire-eating, mind-reading tricks and more. These seasoned performers are great at getting the audience involved in the abracadabra action as well. There's a full bar at the club, which offers an assortment of beverages for purchase.

Date:  March 16

Time: 1 p.m.

Tickets are $15 plus there is a two item requirement.

best regards,
