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A week in FinTech - 21st September 2019

From: Eddie G.
Sent on: Sunday, September 22, 2019, 7:41 PM
A week in FinTech - 21st September 2019

Hi Everyone,

1. Upcoming Event: NewFinance October Open Mic Night, Thursday, October 24, 6-9pm, Browne Jacobson

Please join us for our monthly mixture of presentations, skype-ins, fireside chats and shout-outs plus plenty of networking. This monthly session is designed to provide an opportunity to catch up with your peers, to see what's going on in the London and International FinTech scenes and to tell us all about yourself and your own work.

Lightning Pitches:
*** Please email me if you'd like a slot ***
1. Kevin Monserrat (, Founder and CEO of Consilience Ventures (, a data-driven venture capital platform unlocking the value between start-ups, investors and experts.
2. Erik de Kroon (, Founder and CEO of Yordex (, a spend management platform helping startups manage company cards, expenses, invoices and budgets to save time and control costs
3. Ash Ajaz ( from GapCap Cashflow Finance (, Supporting UK businesses with straightforward and flexible funding using smart technology.

Thank you to Grow from Browne Jacobson, our event host: Grow ( by Browne Jacobson, is a legal support programme exclusively for startups. It is carefully tailored for companies at any stage of the startup journey and provides you with a Grow adviser who is fully immersed in your sector. Our FinTech advisers provide expert legal advice on the unique challenges that FinTech businesses face, as well as facilitating introductions within our network of industry and investment contacts.

2. Reach-outs

·       Michael Pearson of Clarus Investments has recently updated his research on fintech financing, performance and valuation, and prepared an in-depth report on the subject for KPMG and Google Cloud. You can find out more and get a link to download the report at

·       Frank Ray is a systems engineer who has assessed and recovered programmes and projects starting to get nervously close to "coming off the rails". You needn't just grit your teeth and hope for the best, read about my help and get in touch for a confidential chat at info[at] more info here:

3. NewFinance Jobs

We’re in the process of pivoting our Job Board to a series of live events. The feedback has unanimously been for the Job Fair which was a great success i.e. everyone is apparently fed up with online job posts and want to meet Employers and Job Seekers face to face. I’ll ping you all when we’re ready.

*** We’re happy to list jobs in the mailer, so pls ping me if you have any vacancies ***

·       Zasteo, FinTech Startup Neo Bank are hiring an Android Developer:

·       Head of Marketing at Urban Jungle - a fast growing insurtech business, who recently raised a late seed angel round and is expecting to raise Series A soon

·       Head of Paid Marketing at Plum - an automated saving app founded by the 5th employee at Transferwise, who recently raised Series A and already has around 500k users

·       Nate.Tech - AI business helping to deliver 1-click buy button all across the internet - back by Founders Factory and a group of other investors

o       Devops Data Engineer

o       Machine Learning Engineer

o       Research Data Scientist

o       Software Engineer 

4. Companies Seeking Access to Capital

·       Koin Rewards is the ethical rewards platform reimagining loyalty through responsible shopping and tokenisation. Through their partnership with Seedrs, they are opening up their current round to crowdfunding investors (following on investors include Nigel Wray and Grant Calton among others). To pre-register for exclusive, early access to their crowdfunding campaign, click here, and join them in rewarding the meaningful.

·       MineHub are working with Goldcorp, Ocean Partners, Wheaton Precious Metals, Capstone Mining, ING bank, a major carrier, a major assayer, IBM and White & Case, with more coming on board shortly, transforming the end to end mining and metals supply chain and enabling transparency, sustainability tracking and automation through digitisation of the post-trade process. Please reach out to hugh[at]

·       Paysme, a Fintech platform for communities of SMEs including mobile payments, digital banking, insurance, credit cards, pensions & accounting solutions. Currently raising £1m of growth capital (for 19% equity) to scale recurring revenues and achieve profitability, with a focus on specific SME sectors including licensed taxis, market traders & independents and sports clubs. For more information please contact Derek Stewart (Founder) at derek[at]

·       Podium is an Oxford start-up raising pre-seed (SEIS) funding to build its MVP: a decentralised, user-moderated social network, solving the ethical issues of legacy social media. 500 million tweets are sent every day - an impossible volume of content for a single entity to moderate, leading to widespread abuse. Podium empowers its community to moderate each other’s content via a democratic system that cannot be corrupted or gamed. The team are experienced in technical product delivery, marketing, and business management. An initial prototype is live, and we have a partnership with Radix for DLT infrastructure.  Contact jennifer[at]


If you have any news to share with the group please send your requests to me by close on Fridays.

Please click here to watch our presentations on video

Please see our global group of Meetups here.

and please follow us on: Twitter, YouTube, FaceBook, and LinkedIn



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