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Meditation and Mysticism: Learn How to Experience God Inside Yourself

From: Johanna K.
Sent on: Monday, August 8, 2011, 8:24 AM


"If you have been seeking a spiritual practice that is both practical and profoundly meaningful, this class is the place to start."
"These instructors not only know what they are talking about, they also live what they are teaching. This is the real deal." Meditation & Mysticism: Experiencing God Within Yourself

Tuesdays at 7:30 pm

New 6-week series beginning 
  August 9, 2011

This powerful 6-week introductory course is designed for spiritual seekers who are tired of dogma and rules and want to have real and meaningful experiences of God and the spiritual world.  Classes include teachings on the Inner Spiritual Path, Meditation, Soul, Light, Prayer and Blessing. Time is spent teaching the principles of meditation that will allow you to move deeper than the body, beyond thinking and emotions, and into the reality of God's peace and presence within.

In each class we explore three areas:

  • Understanding the universe from a spiritual perspective, and our roles as living, conscious humans in this world
  • Spiritual exercises designed to help you develop skills needed for inner work
  • Hands-on experiences, through which you can learn to see, hear, and feel the spiritual world
This course is free of charge, as are all our classes. It is open to everyone, regardless of religious or spiritual background. When you have completed this course, you are invited to attend our advanced classes.
To reserve a place in this class or to find out more information, call[masked] or email [address removed].   class location: Center of Light 844 Grand Ave. New Haven

For more details and to RSVP, see the full listing:

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