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2nd Annual Holiday Around the Moonsea charity event!

From: Bryan
Sent on: Tuesday, October 18, 2016, 8:07 AM

Pre-registration for the 2nd Annual Holiday Around the Moonsea charity event is still going strong! Register online at

The schedule of games can be found at

Join us for two full days of Adventurers League Dungeons & Dragons on November 25th and 26th at Gryphons Games and Comics in Fort Collins, CO.  Play games and support the Fort Collins Cat Rescue!

We have games beginning at 8am on Friday and 8:30am on Saturday and we'll be gaming into the night each day. There are 3 - 4 hour game sections each day which will give you 12 hours of gaming each day! We have three options for pre-registration packages.

We'll have adventures that cover 3 tiers of play which includes  a selection of season 5 adventures as well as the all new Baldman Games convention created content that includes their adventures set in Melvaunt (tier 1), Hillsfar (Tier 2), and Phlan (Tier 3). There are three adventures in each of those settings! But wait, there's more! Fai Chen's Fantastical Faire will be stopping by bringing his magical wares to the event! Buy and trade for the items you need to bring success to your party!
The adventures require an Adventurers League character of the appropriate level. If you have questions about the Adventurers League just let us know!

Pre-register now and save as prices will increase after the pre-registration period has closed on November 15th.

After registering you'll receive a link within 24 hours to sign up for the games that you want to play in.

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