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Tomorrow's meetup now has a subject!

From: Matthew B.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 28, 2014, 2:19 PM

I've updated the subject for tomorrow's meetup and included it at the bottom of this email. Sorry for the delay in getting this to you; hopefully you still have enough time to read this email and decide whether or not you'd like to attend. I hope to see you there!

Subject: The almighty quickfix list! (I may add/remove topics between now and tomorrow based on timing)

If you have any plugins/tips related to the quickfix list (or anything else), please shoot me an email and I'll do my best to include them.

* Basics: :cope, :ccl, :cn, :cp, :cold, :cnew, etc.


* :make/:grep

* Syntastic

* Ack/Ag

* Fugitive

Using lists:

* edit lists

* save/load lists

* manually add lines to lists

* open entries in vsplits

* step through diffs of unstaged files

* changing all instances of a term in a project

* doing anything you want with :QFDo

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