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Isaac Bonewits and Phaedra Bonewits

From: duchess
Sent on: Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 10:52 AM
I am putting this out on behalf of Phae and Isaac. As everyone knows, Isaac is battling Colon Cancer and is not doing well. Phae has been working full time to meet the bills as Isaac is too sick and weak to do anything. He now walks with a cane and is on pain meds.

Phae is looking for cleaning help. She can't keep up with the apt because of working and having to take care of Isaac. What I wanted to do is to hire a cleaning service to help out. The first trip to their apt would be $75 for 4 rooms. After's just a matter of maintenance. The company is called Budget cleaning.

What we are asking if if anyone can help out with the costs. Pass this letter onto anyone that you know..put it on Facebook or other meetup lists.

You can send the money by Paypal as a gift (so there are no fees) or drop it off at the store..or go to Isaacs website and donate there. Make sure that when you do, you mention that the donation is for the cleaning costs.

Blessings of the season be with everyone!!