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New Meetup: Full Corn Moon!

From: duchess
Sent on: Monday, July 26, 2010, 11:39 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Newburgh & Cornwall Witches Meetup Group!

What: Full Corn Moon!

When: Saturday, August 21,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $5.00 per person

Where: Brid's Closet
296 main street
Cornwall, NY 12518

What a powerful time. It?s the Full Corn Moon ? bountiful, plentiful, celebratory.

August marks the seasonal shift. Rituals in August may acknowledge it as the first of the harvest months, with September and October to follow. The full moon in August is Corn Moon; also known as Barley Moon.

Harness some of the Corn Moon's fiery energy with us. Pangea is facilitating this months full moon with reverence to Gaia; the spiritual embodiment of the earth, the Goddess of the Earth.

Be Mindful: We are extremely grateful for our ability to give thanks for good health and abundance we receive from the bounty granted us this harvest time of the year. This is a perfect time to send blessing to others out into the community who are less fortunate; so that they too ?may never hunger?.

Please lovingly bring non-perishable food goods (note expiration dates) to be blessed during ritual before being distributed to a Food Pantry . Also please bring food or snacks to share among ourselves, reprehensive of the Corn Moon if possible.

Bright Blessing to All

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