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New Meetup: Feast of Diana!**

From: duchess
Sent on: Saturday, July 24, 2010, 12:59 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Newburgh & Cornwall Witches Meetup Group!

What: Feast of Diana!**

When: Friday, August 13,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $5.00 per person

Where: Palaia Vineyards
P20 Sweet Clover Rd
Highland Mills, NY 10930

The Feast of Diana!** Celebrating the Strega goddess of the moon, the hunt, Big Mama..etc..Diana has Friday August 13th as her day! Like all big Italian families, let us all cook, feast, drink, dance, and celebrate OUR FAMILY and la vecchia religione! Bring food, your scissors, your ancestors, and your Puppies! Diana's Hounds and Stags are symbols of loyalty and freedom- La Famiglia.. Deidra will be facilitating this ritual at Palaia Vineyards.. Join us! This is going to be like a big family reunion for all of us! Puppies are welcome here, but, please, everyone is responsible for their little friends!.. <3

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