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Special Angel Meditation

From: Daniel O.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 26, 2009, 4:53 PM
Good afternoon and Namaste,

Thank you for attending last Thursday's Pranic Meditation/Healing night!

We had 60 people and the feedback has been extraoridanary.

One of the participants mysteriously ran out of gas on the way home. The stranger who picked him up on the side of the road took him to a gas station and turned out to the most perfect and ideal business partner that each had been looking for months!

This Thursday, it has been requested that I lead a live Meditation to meet the ANGELS of Prosperity, Health, Happiness, Relationships and Spiritual Development. This will be after an intensely, blissful version of the Twin Heart Meditation. You are going to love it!

The only thing that would make the night better is if you and your friends attend.

It is at Unity Tustin, 14402 Prospect Ave from 7:30 til 9pm.

Namaste, Daniel