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Voted BEST Meditation Group by OC Weekly

From: Daniel O.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 4:03 PM
Good afternoon Pranic Healing OC Meditation Members!

While many of you attend our Meditation Night we'd appreciate it if you posted your ratings so we can attract more people.

For those of you haven't attended recently are you aware OC Weekly crowned us the BEST Meditation Group in OC?!

Pranic Healing and Meditation With Daniel O'Hara
Unity of Tustin
It's nice to go to a quiet church and be able to give thanks to Buddha, Jesus and all other "sentient beings." It's nice to feel like no one religion is better than another, to sit around with a bunch of strangers and do a little laughing yoga before settling into a discursive meditation session. This is what Daniel O'Hara's Thursday-night meditations at Unity of Tustin are like. If the stars are out, then the group meditation might park itself outside, a trickling fountain echoing in the background. For an hour every week, O'Hara, a pranic (energy) healer, gathers his group and leads it through tunnels of light and bursts of color in an imaginative, ancient effort to shut out all that noise we ride around with in our cars every day. It works. After the meditation, O'Hara and a handful of other pranic healers provide free, short energy-cleansing sessions. Before you write it off as hokey, New Agey stuff, try it out. It's free. Afterward, you'll drive home feeling tingly and praising the Lord, Allah, the trees and O'Hara just the same.

Please invite your friends and come to our Thursday Meditation night at Unity Tustin; 14402 Prospect Ave. at 7:30.

Best, Daniel

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