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Ubuntu Release Party, details.

From: Joseph J.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 22, 2015, 3:22 PM
Dear All, 
Like to request for a count for who all will be coming for the release party. 
For the new comers, we have planned to conduct the Ubuntu release party on April 30'th at Mamzar park,Dubai at 7 pm. Coordinates are  [masked],[masked])

After the initial meeting  and T shirt distribution,we all will participate in  barbecue party, it is an informal gathering, you can come with your friends and families. You can also leave the venue when you feel so. Only requirement is that we need to get the count of people who are coming, we need this information to organize the food and other items. 

Epillars,(https://epillars.c...­)  who is in to IT Infrastructure,Infor­mation Security, Video Conferencing, Thin Clients and automation, they are agreed to sponsor the event. Epillars uses open source for giving ERP solutions, Document Management, and IP-PBX.  

Joseph John

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