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Re: [oes-emirates] Meizu MX4 Ubuntu Edition

From: Zulfiqar Ali K.
Sent on: Monday, September 7, 2015, 9:55 PM
Hi Neil,

I would have loved to have the phone and try it out .. but i did try ubuntu on my Samsung .. and was disappointed just like you are due to lack of features. It still in its infancy and Ubuntu really need to work hard and push the basic functionality at least.

Gone are the days when iphone was the only device and it was such a basic phone and no one complained about it or at least went on cribbing but were using the phone as well.

I bought OnePlus One last year and since have been very very happy with the hardware and software. I recently moved to MIUI (which is Google free, a blessing) and I am loving it.

I hope you can find a buyer or Ubuntu comes up with required basic features so it becomes useable.

Habl Consultancy FZCO Regards

Zulfiqar Ali Khan

On 07/09/15 9:45 PM, Neil Oosthuizen wrote:
Hi all,

As soon as the MX4 was made available to purchase a few months ago I decided to pick one up.

So after a month and a half it finally arrived and for the last month or so the phone has been lying here on my desk and I simple can't use it for my daily phone to replace my aging Samsung S3.  The big reason is all of my online accounts use very complex passwords created my keepass and there is no keepass client for Ubuntu Touch currently.  Also copy/paste functionality is still lacking in the majority of usage cased for Ubuntu Touch so I can't even send myself a text file with a password in clear text (very insecure obviously) because I can't copy/paste it into the required fields. :\

So, I have a MX4, gold edition with 16 GB storage that has literally had four full charge/recharge cycles that I want to sell.  I sold a BQ 4.5 Ubuntu Edition to Faisal Nizam that is also on this list a few months ago and I am sure he can vouch that this isn't a scam (so too can those that have met me IRL).

Obviously this phone isn't sealed in box as I have mentioned, but it hasn't really been used either.  New it is 300 euros, so ruffly 1200dhs.  If someone is willing to take it for 1000dhs I will be happy to post it to anywhere in the UAE.

The hardware is pretty sweet with this phone and Ubuntu Touch is really shaping up well.  I just need a phone that can do what I need now... I wouldn't cry if I had to keep this phone and wait for the functionally I need.

Anybody interested?


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