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Re: [OpenTechSchool-Brussels] Europe Code Week

From: Hugo H.
Sent on: Friday, November 8, 2013, 10:01 AM
Hi Friedger,

What do you have in mind for the "Web App" ? It's pretty vague and doesn't say a think about the underlying technologies.

On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 9:57 AM, Friedger Müffke <[address removed]> wrote:
I am still confused whether it makes sense to have activities on Tuesdays. As I am short of time I can't attend the Learner's hangouts regularily on Sundays. Maybe we can add a hangout?

For CodeEU, I have suggested two dates:
Android: 26.11. at 18:30

Web App: 29.11. at 15:00

How does that sound?


2013/11/8 Roman Miletitch <[address removed]>
Hey Friedger
Very nice idea !
We might have new workshops by then, but if not, we can always start making some workshop regulars. I heard a bit of demand for another android workshop. Would you and/or any other coach have time that week ?

2013/11/7 Vincent <[address removed]>
Hello Friedger

Sounds like a cool initiative!
I would be happy to help (coaching) if needed.

For the regular hangout: are you interested in it and is the date convenient?


2013/11/7 Friedger Müffke <[address removed]>
Hi all,

the 25-30 November is Europe Code week (
I suggest we do some workshops around that time. What do you think? I am happy to do Android again!


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