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Do you have the key?

From: Ian M.
Sent on: Monday, January 19, 2015, 5:06 PM

Do you have the key to great photography & post processing?

Join us at Photography Workshops this week and get some great instruction on the key elements of photography and Photoshop.  Sandwiched in the middle is a fun and playful day in the studio as we play with some creative lighting set-ups that you can easily re-produce. 


A series of four evening workshops that will teach you the keys to mastering Photoshop. 
Learn to understand the foundation skills of efficient and effective editing using , layers, blend modes and brush selection. You will also learn how to use these skills to select and mask elements in your images and how to speed up repetitive tasks by creating Photoshop Actions that will streamline your workflow. It's suitable for beginners and no previous knowledge is necessary. Just $120 for four instruction filled workshops. All classes take place in the studio in Pembroke. 


A very full day of creative studio lighting and play.  Learn how easy it is to create moody and mysterious images, how to create smooth and glowing skin, and how to work with shadows and dramatic light.   10am to 5pm approx in the large studio in Pembroke. It's a steal at just $75


 There are four key elements or stages to any great photograph:

First you must see the potential shot, then look for or provide the appropriate lighting, finalize the composition and then set the camera to achieve the result.

 Setting the camera first and trying to make the subject fit the setting,  results in poor images with only the occasional success through sheer chance.

Learn how to craft the image that fits your original vision by attending this workshop  on the very foundations of photography. You will learn how to:

Develop your eye
Improve your way of seeing
Master your use of light
Effectively use metering modes
Compose strong and effective images
Set your camera to achieve the desired result.

It is just  $55 for a full day workshop from 10am-4pm in the studio classroom in Pembroke