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Last day!

From: Ian M.
Sent on: Friday, January 16, 2015, 2:10 PM

Get in ahead of the public

This is your last day to buy tickets for Les Sampou in Concert at the studio on Feb 15 before they go on sale to the general public tomorrow at noon.
There are just 25 spaces left and with a large local fan-base for Les tickets are young to sell- out quickly for this rare acoustic solo performance. 
RSVP at :

On Sunday Feb 15. At 3pm (doors open at 2.15). Les will be performing a solo acoustic set featuring her signature country blues style finger picking and her awesome bluesy voice. 

If you haven't seen Les perform you shouldn't miss this rare acoustic gig. 

I'm putting it  out here first for the meetup group before tickets go on sale to the general public early next week, because Les has a phenomenally large local following and the limited seating is going to sell out fast. 

Six seats will be specifically reserved for members who attend the morning workshop on how to photograph musicians in performance.  The afternoon session is open to all comers. Tickets are $20 each and you can RSVP here.  

All the money from this concert is going to the performer so this is one of those rare  occasions where you can't apply your credit or half-off pass. 


Les Sampou    (pronounced “Less Shampoo" w/o the h) writes and sings Americana music that’s full of twang and blues. Her musical career has spanned five recordings and countless listening rooms, bars, and festivals as well as over several hundred thousand miles of road. Her latest CD, ‘Lonesomeville’ is the diary. It takes you through lonely hotel rooms, endless highways, and the bedrooms of hard-living lovers. Jonathan Perry of the Boston Globe writes, “Sly, lived-in songs about mismatched lives, hard goodbyes, and honky tonk heartbreak; all of which makes Lonesomeville not such a bad place to be after all, especially if she’s playing there."


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