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Fw: Chesapeake Poetry Examiner: Olde Towne Art: Art Show and Poetry Reading in Portsmouth feat Phyllis Johnson

From: Easter D.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 8:30 AM
Poetry, Prose, and Pizza's member Phyllis Johnson is scheduled to read poetry at the Olde Towne Art Show and Poetry Reading in Portsmouth on High Street, tonight October 19 from 5-8pm. Read the article here to find out details!

Easter Dodds
Chesapeake Poetry Examiner

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Sent: Tue, October 19,[masked]:09:34 AM
Subject: Chesapeake Poetry Examiner: Olde Towne Art: Art Show and Poetry Reading in Portsmouth feat Phyllis Johnson

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Chesapeake Poetry Examiner
Easter Dodds
Olde Towne Art: Art Show and Poetry Reading in Portsmouth feat Phyllis Johnson

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Olde Towne Art Show and Poetry Reading is part of[masked], the event involving 10 artists, for ten days, during the tenth month. Ten artists are painting almost 24/7 for ten days. "I can't wait to see their new art." ��� Phyllis... Read more ��

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