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Re: [Provocateurs] 63 Texas GOPers: Marriage Equality Could Lead To Incest, Pedophilia

From: Ray
Sent on: Friday, August 8, 2014, 8:12 AM
It's simple- Texas conservatives are naturally inclined towards incest and pedophilia and therefore everyone else must be as well. Fortunately their impulses are kept in check by strict adherence to religion backed up by their belief in a totalitarian government which they should support if it is Republican or oppose if it is Democrat, but which is always totalitarian because that is the nature of government. They believe that if the laws budge in any way from one man one woman missionary position inside of marriage sexual code then they will all, and by projection everyone else, lose control of their instincts and feelings and start raping their own children.
At least, that's what they seem to be saying to me.

On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 5:08 PM, David <[address removed]> wrote:
63 Texas GOPers: Marriage Equality Could Lead To Incest, Pedophilia -

WTF - could someone explain this one to me? I'm not Republican, so, I am unable to understand this. Does it have something to do with quantum mechanics?

Sent from Samsung tablet

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