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How do I improve my Photography? and QACC monthly Meeting

From: Lisa L.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 2, 2017, 8:05 AM

Spring is here so grab your camera and do a little studying on how to improve your photography and head out and practice -

Come share your images at the May 9 QACC Monthly Meeting - It’s slide show month but you can also just bring images to share (another great way to learn)

I get asked a lot about "how do I improve my photography” - Here are some helpful hints

Take a lot of photos and do self critiques is a good first step and I add to that - be intentful.

  • Once you know what your subject is - then decide how YOU want to show it off.  How do you want to show it to the world in your image?
  • What is your vision of the world?
  • Do you want to use a wide angle lens or a zoom lens?
  • Zoom with your feet - get closer.
  • Do you want everything in focus or do you want to use selective focus?
  • Are you thinking in color or is this particular image going to be a great black and white?
  • What do you want to include the image and what don’t you want to include?
  • How can you make your subject stand out the best?
  • What compositional elements will you use to make your subject stand out best?

  • Here are a couple of articles to get you started that will give you some great tips - read them
  • Work on a project - yup - you hear it from me all the time - but working on a project gets you out with your camera and makes you think more about your subject.
  • Also consider a spring, summer, or fall workshop- Photography Workshops will take your photography to the next level really fast!  Yes they are worth the cost because you are in the field learning and expanding your skills for several days in a row!
  • One on one mentoring is also a way to improve your skill sets either technically or creatively.  Check with Lisa if you are interested in one on one mentoring.
  • check out Creative Live, KelbyOne online for great video classes or

8 ways to Improve Your Photos: Click It up a Notch is written by a Mom who is a photographer - her ideas are great for photographing children, pets, people for the most part - but she has great info and it’s written so it’s easy to understand

14 Ways to Significantly Improve Your Photography Today: Digital Photography School is one of my favorite websites to learn new things about photography and how to improve -

44 Tips to Improve Your Photography: B&H Video and Photography is a great place to buy equipment (or visit their incredible super store in NYC - but they also have a great learning video and info on their website

8 Simple Ways to Improve Your Photography Skills: Lightstalking is another website/blog that has great short articles to inspire you, teach you something new -

Hope to see you at the May 9 QACC Meeting - Bring a slide show to share or just a bunch of photos that you would like to share - check it out on our website


lisa lacasse photography quechee | vermont |  v[masked]  |  c[masked]