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QACC - dues and Monthly Meeting

From: Lisa L.
Sent on: Monday, May 8, 2017, 10:48 AM

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the May Monthly Meeting on Tuesday, May 9 - should be fun to see the photos / slide shows that everyone shares.

Thank you to everyone who has paid their yearly dues via Meeetup (online).  If you haven't had a chance to pay your yearly dues please check out how easy it is.

Go to the QACC (Quechee Area Camera Club) website.  Look in the left panel and you will see "Member Dues" - that will tell you if you have paid or if you need to pay.  You pay right on line now - $22.50 - Thanks so much

Dues pay for the website and our fabulous speakers that we have throughout the year.


Lisa and the Leadership Team