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200 member celebration and Spring Festival

From: user 8.
Sent on: Monday, April 16, 2012, 12:21 PM

Hello All

As of today, our MeetUp has 200 members! So glad to have all of you following us, and some of you coming to class. For those folks that have signed up and not yet come to MEET us - we welcome you to connect in real time. Meditating in a group is a powerful way to start, improve and expand your meditation practice.


I wanted to let everyone know that the New Kadampa Spring Festival will be happening April 27 to May 2 at the temple at Glen Spey, New York, about a two hour drive north. Here is the link to the information:


If you have not yet visited the temple, or would like to meet fellow meditators from all over the country, this is a wonderful event to attend - even for only one of the several days.

(We will not be having class in Red Bank (Shrewsbury) on May 1)

Warm regards,

Linda R.

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