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Playgroup TODAY @ 2pm

From: Tara G.
Sent on: Sunday, June 9, 2013, 1:28 AM
Hi Everyone!!!

Looking forward to seeing doggies and sun tomorrow!!!!   If you have not already RSVP'd worries, you can join us and just pay when you get here.

If you are new to the group, please do not forget to bring a copy of your dog's rabies or vaccination record with you so that I can keep it on file.

Any comments or questions that need immediate attention, please call me (do not e-mail)[masked].

Thank you!

Tara Gamby
Canine Promotions  "Planning & Promoting Animal-Related Events & Businesses"
"The moral progress of a nation can best be judged by the way it treats its
animals." ~ Mahatma Gandhi

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