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June 15th Live Well Table Share

From: user 8.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 10:44 AM

AIS SD Live Well Aging Expo 2012
SSNG Table Share Opportunity

SSNG is offering you a Table Share Opportunity!

For details about this year's AIS SD Live Well Aging Expo or to reserve your own table - See flyer above.

SSNG Table Share Reservation Deadline is May 15th No Exceptions

We will do our best to accommodate your schedule and location. This is also an opportunity for you to meet and generate leads from the seniors attending the summit.
Fees are per table/Per Site. Participants can pay to have their information at as many locations as they like.

Please submit the registration form along with payment to be processed by May 15th deadline. This deadline cannot be extended for any reason.

SSNG Table Share - Live Well San Diego Age Well Summit 2012
Registration Form

Business Type_____________________________________________________________________________
Name ____________________________________________________________________________________
Title _____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone ___________________________________________________________________________________
Email ____________________________________________________________________________________

Please Check the locations you would like to take part in.


o Town and Country Convention Center 500 Hotel Circle North, San Diego, CA 92108 (Mission Valley)



o Ronald Reagan Community Center 195 E. Douglas, El Cajon, CA 92020

o California Center for the Arts 340 N Escondido Blvd, Escondido, CA 92025

o Sheraton Carlsbad Resort &n Spa 5480 Grand Pacific Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008

o Chula Vista Middle School 415 5th Ave, Chula Vista, CA 91910


Although we have reserved multiple tables for this event, our space is limited; we initially didn't expect such overwhelming response. We are currently working to secure additional tables.

Please submit your registration and payment ASAP to assure your space/spaces.

Spaces are not guaranteed until registration and payments have been processed.

You will receive a confirmation via email within 3 days of your submittal. This deadline cannot be extended May 15, 2012.

Please submit this form along with Full payment on or before May 15th (all payments must be processed by May 15th).


  • Replace this text with the first item of your list
  • Replace this text with the next item
  • You can add more items by adding lines that start with a

Checks should be payable to:
421 N Weitzel St, Suite D,
Oceanside, CA 92054

Credit Card payments
can be made through PayPal to:

SSNG reserves the right to exclude off site locations due to lack of participation. Prices quoted below are for sharing the table with 5 or more other vendors.
We want to accommodate and support you so If you'd like to share the table with fewer vendors please let us know. We will pair you with a vendor/vendors who agrees, and are also willing to pay the additional cost for to share with 1 or 2 other vendors instead. AIS's Table fee is[masked] per table.

Thank you all for your continued support and ongoing participation in San Diego's Premiere Senior Provider Networking Group!

Stay Connected!!

Janette Beck

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