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Documentary: The Ghosts In Our Machine

From: Alan F.
Sent on: Monday, July 21, 2014, 5:20 PM
Hi, this documentary is interesting and very informative.  Following is pertinent info and a brief description of the film.


 WHAT:    THE GHOSTS IN OUR MACHINE (new documentary)
WHEN:    Tuesday,  July 29, 2014, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
WHERE:   Sun-Ray Cinema @ 5 Points, 1028 Park Street
WHO:       Hosted by Northeast Florida Vegetarian Society
COST:       $9 tickets at door or online at
Join Northeast Florida Vegetarian Society for a 15-year anniversary outreach event -- a special one-time screening of an insightful documentary.
THE GHOSTS IN OUR MACHINE is a multi-award winning documentary that illuminates the lives of individual animals living within and rescued from the machine of our modern world. Through the heart and photographic lens of award-winning animal rights photojournalist Jo-Anne McArthur, audiences become intimately familiar with a cast of non-human animals. The film follows Jo-Anne over the course of a year as she documents several animal stories in parts of Canada, the U.S. and in Europe. Each story and photograph is a window into global animal industries: Food, Fashion, Entertainment and Research. The Ghosts in Our Machine charts McArthur’s efforts to bring wider attention to a topic that most of humankind strives hard to avoid. Are non-human animals property to be owned and used, or are they sentient beings deserving of rights?
See more info and watch the trailer:
Liz Marshall -- Ghosts director, producer, writer will do an intro via Skype. And Sun-Ray will have goodies from Sweet Theory as well as other yummy vegan surprises available. Then we'll head over to Hovan for post-discussion.
Purchase your $9 ticket online at,, or take your chances and show up. This show is also open to the public.

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