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Scala Beers & tapas with Alistair Cockburn

From: Jordi P.
Sent on: Thursday, July 23, 2015, 12:32 PM
Hey guys!

I just arranged to have some beers and tapas with Alistair Cockburn near Plaça Catalunya today at 18:30 aprox. He is around Barcelona for some days and he wants to know the Scala community here.

This is a good excuse to have a second Scala Beers session! No formal meetup invoked, but is anyone coming? Plus, recommendations are welcome: Where would you go for good tapas with a friendly “guiri"?

Please, confirm to [address removed], so I can make a guess about the number of people coming. I’ll send more details to those interested later.

P.S. This is not a talk by Cockburn, he just wants to have a friendly chat and some tapas. But, still, it is a good occasion to spare some time amongst friends and meet Cockburn.


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