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New Meetup: Fundación Conservatorio Flamenco Casa Patas

From: user 9.
Sent on: Thursday, October 14, 2010, 7:22 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Seattle Classical Music Meetup!

What: Fundaci?n Conservatorio Flamenco Casa Patas

When: Saturday, November 6,[masked]:45 PM

Where: Benaroya Hall
200 University St.
Seattle, WA 98101

Hi all,

Following last season's SOLD OUT concerts, Fundaci?n Conservatorio Flamenco Casa Patas is back at Benaroya Hall for an evening of flamenco music and dance. Performance does not include Seattle Symphony. This will be in the Nordstrom Recital Hall.

They were amazing last year! Tickets are subscriber $29, non-subcriber $35.

FYI, if you were thinking of attending it is a good idea to purchase your ticket way in advance because they will sell out. You probably will not be able to get a ticket at the box office on day of. Tickets can be purchased at

Let's meet upstairs next to the recital hall at 5:45 pm.

Hope to see you guys there.

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