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The Dana Reason Trio with Glen Moore at Bastyr University tonight

From: user 1.
Sent on: Friday, July 23, 2010, 2:16 PM
Online ticketing has closed for this event, but tickets are still available at the door.  Thanks for the Seattle Jazz Scene support of this extraordinary trio, and Dana Reason's first tour in the Northwest!  We look forward to meeting many of you tonight! 
Wild Rose Artists Logo
Dana Reason Trio: Angle of Vision Concert Tour

The Dana Reason Trio's Angle of Vision tour beings today (Wednesday, July 21) with a concert at The Old Church in Portland. Tomorrow they will perform in Olympia, Friday in Seattle, and Saturday in Bellingham.
Bastyr University Chapel, Seattle (Kenmore)
Bastyr University Chapel

The venue selections for this tour were made specifically for their special acoustic properties and outstanding pianos, so seating is limited.

Praise for The Dana Reason Trio's recent release, 'Revealed:

"Dana Reason can play. This jazz album's opening track, Transition, seems to delight in teetering on the edge of rhythmic and melodic chaos; the classically-trained pianist and composer attacks the piano with playful bite and vigor, never fearing to employ tasty dissonance or explosive runs when they serve her improvisations. With chops and creativity that bring to mind Jacky Terrasson, John Medeski, Vijay Iyer, and Satoko Fujii, Dana is a formidable talent."

-Michael Gallant - Keyboard Magazine

From what I've been hearing from the rehearsals at Wild Rose Studios, this will be a spectacular evening of music. Reason's compositions demonstrate her rich versatility from Transition, mentioned above, to her classical conversation: Moments with Clara (Schumann) and her expansion of Billie Holiday's God Bless the Child. The trio includes renowned "Oregon" bassist Glen Moore.

Glen Moore and his 18th-Century Bass
Glen Moore
If you can make the show, you're in for a treat. If you can't make the trip to Portland Wednesday evening, please forward this email reminder to people you know in the Portland area and anyone in the Northwest that won't want to miss this rare opportunity to see Dana Reason, Glen Moore, and Peter Valsamis. Here's the full tour schedule:

July 21: Portland, OR. Venue: The Old Church. More information and buy tickets.

July 22: Olympia, WA. Venue: The United Churches of Olympia. More information and buy tickets.
July 23: Seattle (Kenmore), WA. Venue: Bastyr University Chapel. More information and buy tickets.
July 24: Bellingham WA. Venue: The Amadeus Project. More information and buy tickets.

Glen Moore is a jazz bassist and founding member of the group "Oregon" with Ralph Towner, Paul McCandless and Collin Walcott. In 1999, he completed work on the group's 23rd album called, Oregon In Moscow, which features his bass playing and compositions with the Moscow Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra. He has toured Eastern and Western Europe, Northern Africa, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Australia and throughout the United States in major clubs, concert halls and festivals with that band. His formal bass instruction started after college with Jerome Magil in Portland, James Harnett in Seattle, Gary Karr in New York, Plough Christenson in Copenhagen, Ludwig Streicher in Vienna and Francois Rabbath in Hawaii. Moore has worked with many great jazz artists including pianists Paul Bley, Larry Karush, Jan Hammer, Bill Evans, and John Taylor; saxophonists, Zoot Sims, Benny Wallace, Lew Tabakin, Sonny Fortune, Nick Brignola, Rob Scheps, Charlie Mariano and Michael Brecker; flutist Jeremy Steig; violinists Stuff Smith, Zbigniew Seifert, Rob Thomas, Hollis Taylor and Jim Nolet; vibraphonists Gary Burton and Michael Mainieri; drummers Elvin Jones, Tony Williams, Beaver Harris, Peter LaRoca and Jimmy Cobb, Barrie Altschul, Elliot Zigmund; bassists Anthony Cox, Charlie Haden, Gary Peacock, Dave Holland, Jamie Faunt, Steve Swallow, David Friesen, Mark Dresser and Barre Phillips; and tap dancer Peg Leg Bates. Full Glen Moore bio.

Dana Reason on piano
Dana Reason on Piano
Dana Reason is a leading figure in the new generation of pianists who are equally comfortable on both the jazz and classical concert stages. She has been featured on NPR, the CBC and Radio Canada and has performed on some of the major international concert stages throughout the United States, Canada and Europe. She has performed with many of today's jazz masters including George E. Lewis, Cecil Taylor, Joelle Leandre, Barre Philips, Dominic Duval, and Joe McPhee. Full Dana Reason bio.

Peter Valsamis on drums
Peter Valsamis
As a drummer, Peter Valsamis has presented his music to concert audiences in Europe, Asia and North America, performing with Cecil Taylor, Steve Lacy, Lisle Ellis (Canadian Bass Player), and Marco Eneidi. Peter creates, engineers, and produces music for films, games, and other media.  He recently won best sound design in the 2010 UCLA Festival of New Creative Work for the short "Channels of Recognition" and is currently filming a documentary. Peter also plays Greek-American Rembetika music in LA and is an accomplished dumbek player, performing frequently with various Middle Eastern ensembles in the bay area and Los Angeles. Valsamis' studio endeavors include soundtracks for films, music production and engineering. Valsamis received his M.F.A. in Electronic Music and Recording Media from Mills College. While at Mills Peter studied with Pauline Oliveros, Alvin Curran, William Winant, and Leo Smith.

Thank you for forwarding this message to your friends in these areas (use the link right below this message to forward it). We hope to see you at one of these shows.

Kira Wadman, Producer
Wild Rose Artists
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