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New Meetup: Salsa Ladies Styling w/ Rachel Chloé

From: Jim
Sent on: Thursday, November 24, 2016, 1:05 AM

Announcing a new Meetup for The Seattle Salsa/Bachata Meetup Group!

What:">Salsa Ladies Styling w/ Rachel Chloé
When: Saturday, December 10,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Belltown Dance Studio
[masked]rd Ave suite 102
Seattle, WA" border="0" />" border="0" />

Ladies it's all about you in this 1.5 hour workshop with Seattle's very own Rachel Chloé Uttech! Come work on sexy body movement, arm styling, spins and foot work.

*Level 3 or above please.


Saturday, Dec.10th.


1.5hrs :$20 day of.


2217 3rd Ave. Suite 102

Seattle, WA


About our instructor:

Rachel Chloé Uttech comes to us with more than 20 years experience performing and instructing in the US, South America and Europe. Credits include Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Showtime at the Apollo, Teenie Banana Disco, Salsamania Seattle, Breaking Point Dance Company, Ataké, Adrian y Anita World Team Project, Escandalo, Rhythm & Moves Dance, and Elegancia Explosiva.">Check it out!