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Best practice on scalable native mobile app on cross platform

From: Bess H.
Sent on: Friday, April 20, 2012, 2:41 AM

This session is all about best practice on scalable native mobile app on cross platform. Linkedin mobile is on Node.JS and MongoDB.


Development of almost any software has some aspect of Design, Implementation, Testing and Deployment. When working on mobile software, the differences in platforms make it a bit more difficult to navigate these stages of product development. In this talk, I’ll go over some strategies I have learned building mobile platforms (PalmOS, WebOS), mobile devices(Treo, Pre) and now mobile applications(LinkedIn) to help you understand some of the nuances of mobile product development. At the end, you should have a clear model for how to approach cross platform mobile Design, Implementation, Testing and Deployment and learn how LinkedIn navigates the cross platform mobile world.


Kiran Prasad, Mobile Lead at Linkedin

Working on mobile products for over 10 years have given Kiran Prasad a unique perspective on the growth of mobile. He led ground breaking products like the PalmOS Treo 600, Windows Mobile Treo 700w and most recently application development for Palm WebOS. Working on LinkedIn's Mobile products, Kiran uses a combination of web based and native client technologies with light server technologies like Node.js to build stunning and simple user experiences.


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