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Thanks everyone !!

From: Larry D H.
Sent on: Monday, December 14, 2015, 10:45 PM


Hey my Wonderful Peeps,

Thank you to everyone who came down to dance with us at the Rhythm Room Saturday night. There was certainly a whole lotta dancing goin on.  My lower back is sure feeling like it had a workout. Shaking my tail feather in cowboy boots will do that :)    Thankfully I had a great massage today...Was it hot in the Rhythm Room?  cuz I was soaked. :)

I will schedule another event after the first of January. Hope you all have a full schedule of wonderful holiday parties to go to.  When you go,  remember to dance often and dance like no one's watching...

I found a great quote today!

"Those who were seen dancing were thought insane by those who could not hear the music!"

Be insane!

Happy Holidays to all of you my dear VCP friends, I am sending gooey gobs of Holiday Love in every one of these, if you're reading this, then it's already too late...You've been Loved.

I invite all of you to be my "friends" on FB , just send a request..  search FB by my email address  [address removed]   think that works ;/


Larry Head


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