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Join us! "Dennis Mammana: Seven Wonders of our Universe"

From: Dr. Brian H.
Sent on: Sunday, September 1, 2013, 3:43 PM

Be sure to RSVP on The Science Cafe's site because they need a head-count!

The purpose of the SDAA is to further the education of its members and the general public in the subjects of astronomy and the related space and physical science, and to increase public awareness and enjoyment of these sciences.

Be sure to RSVP on The Science Cafe's site because they need a head-count!

Doors open at 6:30 pm. Meeting begins at 7:00 pm is open to the public.

Be sure to RSVP on The Science Cafe's site because they need a head-count!

Dennis Mammana will be presenting "Seven Wonders of our Universe."
Journey across the universe to witness the most spectacular phenomena in existence... from the collisions of massive galaxies to the wonder of star-birth to the delicate majesty of a total solar eclipse―and all in between.  This is a journey you won't soon forget!

About Dennis Mammana
For more than three decades, he has delivered the wonder and mystery of the cosmos to stargazers the world over. Mammana has held planetarium positions at the Smithsonian Institution's National Air & Space Museum, the University of Arizona, and San Diego's Reuben H. Fleet Science Center, and now works as an astronomy author, lecturer and photographer from under the clear, dark skies of Southern California's Anza-Borrego Desert.

Be sure to RSVP on The Science Cafe's site because they need a head-count!

A dynamic public speaker, Mammana has entertained and informed thousands at resorts, on cruise ships, and as an after-dinner speaker, and has become a frequently invited guest on both radio and television. More information is available at

Be sure to RSVP on The Science Cafe's site because they need a head-count!

San Diego Astronomy Association (SDAA) sponsors speakers on a wide range of astronomy topics on the third Wednesday of every month at the Mission Trails Regional Park Visitors Center. The Program meeting begins at 7:00 PM. Each attendee receives one free door prize ticket. After announcements and a small amount of business, the audience is treated to the featured presentation. At the close of the meeting the door prizes are presented.  The event is open to the public. The Mission Trails Regional Park Visitors Center is at One Fr. Junipero Serra Trail, San Diego CA 92119.  Call the park at[masked] for more information or visit

Be sure to RSVP on The Science Cafe's site because they need a head-count!

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