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PHP side projects and training

From: Adam C.
Sent on: Friday, June 6, 2014, 8:47 AM

Hi all,

Looking for a part-time project on the side, or perhaps even a new full time thing with a South Florida company?  Contact our primary sponsors Ranger Technical.  Devon has multiple part-time projects for a PHP developer, and almost all of them are REMOTE.

Ranger Technical sponsors and supports many endeavours of the SoFloPHP user group, and they are an awesome company trying to grow PHP in South Florida.  Give Devon a call, or send an email, if you think you might be interested.

Devon Gladstone[masked] [address removed]

Also, if you want to learn Zend Framework 2 and have not signed up for the training yet please do so at:  Time is running out to register!

Adam Culp
Organizer, SoFloPHP

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