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Magento Meetup Tomorrow

From: Tareq M.
Sent on: Monday, September 5, 2011, 3:13 PM

Hello everyone,


I am inviting you all to come join Magento Commerce meetup tomorrow. There will be free food, wifi access. You can find more details in my blogs :


Also I would appreciate if can share, tweet this events with your friends.


Join Atlanta-area Magento Commerce users, developers, designers and fans on September 6th, 2011 to discuss what we have done with Magento Commerce. Magento Meetup Atlanta links Magento folks for the sharing of ecommerce ideas and industry topics. It’s the local hot spot to organize, plan and collaborate on Magento projects.

This meeting will be kindly hosted by Fowara at their headquarters in Atlanta at 8975 Roswell Road, Atlanta, GA 30350. Meetup starts at 7 pm.

If you would like to share your Magento site and what you have done with it please contact Tareq Mahmud with your website details and what you would like to share. The idea of this meetup is getting to know each other. Don’t miss your chance to connect, network with and learn from other community Members in the Atlanta area.

Free Wifi available so we encourage you to bring your laptop.

There will be some free food and refreshments available.

Space is limited to 50. Please RSVP if you plan to attend

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