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Meetup Email issues

From: Max
Sent on: Monday, January 28, 2013, 6:08 PM

 Meetup sent out lot of emails this morning announcing events that were posted a while ago. Not sure if this a bug or an upgrade 'feature' we have no control on. I plan to report this issue as a bug. I appologize for any inconvinience caused. I am hoping this was a one time issue and wont happen every Mondays. If it repeats, I will remove all email notifications from recurring events. You may need to visit the site regularly. 

Meetup does not give much control for organizers to consolidate notications to single emails etc. its either enable emails for events or disable emails for events. The system is desiged for groups with one or two activities every week. We may have to look for ways around this. Looking for any suggestions to reduce emails but still keep the group active.

Lets hope it wont happen again. Thanks for understanding.

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