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Intrapreneur Days

From: Austin B.
Sent on: Monday, January 11, 2016, 12:52 PM
Hi everyone,

I was asked to let you know about "Intrapreneur Day", a conference coming up in May in Oslo. I thought it sounded apropos to the group, so here are the details:


Intrapreneur Days is calling for speakers! We are looking for inspirational lightning talks and lectures that are of practical use for experienced professionals in technology and shows good examples for how working smart with technology can create room for change. 

Intrapreneur Days is Norway's newest conference about innovation in the private and public sectors. The place is Oslo, and the dates are 9th and 10th of May 2016.   

It is an interdisciplinary conference with developers, project managers, business developers, middle managers, senior managers and related professionals. Our goal is to contribute to innovation, professional development and networking.

Here is the link to submit entries: 

Here is some more info about the conference:


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