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Last chance to post your Favorite Five Photos from 2014

From: suzanne
Sent on: Saturday, January 3, 2015, 6:00 PM

Greetings Photographers!

We have had a fantastic response to the first Virtual Challenge. 36 of you are participating and have posted over 100 photos. Many of you have been great about making positive comments to support the work. Only a few hours left so if you have not yet posted your photos please do so by 5pm Sunday. The photos with the most comments will be winning prizes so be sure to participate before the deadline.

And when you comment on your favorite five photos taken by others in the group, please be sure to tell us what you like about the photo. Just saying great shot is nice but not as helpful as being precise about what it is that you find most compelling, interesting or engaging about the photo. To hone your skills of critiquing, see if you can identify exactly what you like about the photo and then articulate this. It is good practice for you to learn to critique work and we will do some specific work shops around this in 2015.

To learn how to offer good critique, take a look at some of the comments made by Allison, Monica, and Lisa. All offer excellent examples of specific qualities or elements that make the photos shine.

It is easy to post your photos, just go to the word photo in the menu bar, select the album Five Fab Photos and upload your files.

I look forward to seeing the final few entries in our challenge!
