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Action Alert: Contact County Commissioners to Fund Our Roads & Transportation NEEDS within our Existing Growing Budget

From: Sharon C.
Sent on: Monday, August 8, 2016, 9:52 AM

The Sales Tax Hike is Dead. Time for a New Direction!

The rubber has now hit the road regarding our transportation issue. The time to act is now!

The county commissioners are holding a Community Transportation Plan Workshop on Wednesday, August 10th at 1:30pm down at County Center. The meeting will be open to public comment as the Board will be considering Commissioner Sandy Murman’s proposal to fund our local roads and transportation needs with growth revenues within our existing growing (ballooning) budget.

Please contact our county commissioners before the 1:30pm meeting Wednesday requesting they support Murman’s transportation funding proposal. You can contact the county commissioners here.

The county commissioners cannot continue ignoring our transportation issue. They spent three years and lots of taxpayer money telling us transportation was our highest priority. With the sales tax hike dead, it’s time to pursue a new direction and start actually doing something to fix the issue. 

We must move away from the politics of failure on the transportation issue. There is broad consensus that doing nothing is NOT an option. 

Time for Murman’s Plan B!

We must fund our roads and transportation NEEDS FIRST! We must fund transportation BEFORE more pork projects, more parks to maintain, more nebulous economic development projects benefiting special interests and cronies and lower priority items. The county cannot use our budget as a shell game to fund everything else but our roads and transportation needs, a primary responsibility of local government.

In addition, please request the county commissioners to revisit the impact fee buyback program. The FY2017 budget dishonestly includes $30 million of taxpayer money for this buyback program as "transportation spending". This $30 million scheme that benefits special interests developers is 3/5 of the entire transportation spending for FY2017. Considering the county has been neglecting our roads and transportation funding for years, this is total nonsense. Either the commissioners should eliminate this program and let the free marketplace work or fund it with the BP oil spill settlement money so the taxpayers are not on the hook again for another scheme benefitting special interests.

If you are available, please attend the meeting Wednesday at 1:30pm and make a public comment. 

If not, please take a few minutes to email the county commissioners. You can make a difference.

Thank you for your help.

Check out the latest posts regarding this issue on EyeOnTampaBay:

Sharon Calvert
Tampa Tea Party
"Liberty, once lost, is lost forever."  -- John Adams
"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it."  -- Thomas Paine 

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