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RE: [Atlanta-Event-Professionals] FW: Save the date(s) it's that time my birthday celebration

From: Debbie A.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 6, 2013, 9:37 AM

Hello there all,


Happy Wednesday!  I want to apologize to each of you for the conversation that Dana and I were going back and forth with last night.  When we both realized that we were hitting the reply button and it was going to each of you.  I was merely emailing the group for ideas on locations though out Atlanta.  When she and I started just responding to each other (emails that each of you did NOT see).  Needless to say it was an honest mistake on our part. 


Each of you have a wonderful day and accept our apologize as we would hate to send you JUNK mail/emails!


Take care





Debbie J. Autman