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Re: Re: [webdesign-429] Developers for Small Projects

From: Kris
Sent on: Friday, October 2, 2015, 12:13 PM
Load of rubbish this email!

I use WordPress with large corporates and is in no way an invalid choice, 
proving to adapt any functionality with ease and most times out of the box.

Clunky is no concern, as all you do to mitigate a slow loading site is use a 
few plugins that can reduce load times dramatically.

 Custom websites are expensive and if your going to add additional or 
advanced functionality get your wallets or bank account details out.

Good luck with your sell - someone may buy the bull!


Kris Howard

Web Developer

AU Web Group
[address removed]
Free call:[masked]
m. [masked]

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Oliver L" <[address removed]>
To: <[address removed]>
Sent: Friday, October 02,[masked]:03 PM
Subject: Re: Re: [webdesign-429] Developers for Small Projects

Hi neighbours!

I’d like to offer an alternative to Wordpress, and also welcome the 
opportunity to announce my services as a freelance as well.

I am a "creative developer” who specialises in custom websites. Some of my 
websites have stood more than 10 years unchanged in large part to this 
unique approach and I was one of the first people in the world to repurpose 
Wordpress for use as a content management system, all the way back in 2003…

Since that first implementation a lot has changed. Wordpress has evolved, of 
course, but has not kept pace with the modern web. So as of today I’m happy 
to report I have not created a new Wordpress site in almost 7 years.

What I offer instead is custom, fast, secure, easy to use websites using the 
latest web technologies. That your website not only lasts until the next 
Wordpress security problem, but is also incredibly easy to administer 
yourself. Having a custom built website is not as expensive as you might 
think as a lot of the overhead that used to be involved in setting up a new 
website is mostly automated.

If you want to be navigating the clunky Wordpress admin for the next 10 
years (Or handling support calls like: “…yes, no, I know it’s a ‘page’, but 
it’s actually under ‘posts’, yes, now scroll down to ‘custom fields’…”) be 
my guest. If you want a modern website, give me a call.

Now to my fellow developers, I’m not here just to pan Wordpress, so please 
save your venom (your platform is not going anywhere). I will simply add 
that I also welcome current Wordpress developers who want to get out of that 
ecosystem to also get in touch with me! I’m always happy to talk about 
options and also here to remind you that you have not been learning 
“Wordpress" all this time, you’ve actually been learning PHP, javascript and 
HTML. All technologies that are still very relevant and your skills can be 
very easily be migrated over to a modern platform in no time at all. You 
will be amazed at what you’ve been missing out on.

All the best,


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