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New Meetup: Great Bay Oyster Tuesday Night MeetUp

From: Jenn
Sent on: Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 4:27 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Greenville Sushi Meetup Group!

What: Great Bay Oyster Tuesday Night MeetUp

When: September 8,[masked]:00 PM

The Great Bay Oyser House
109 E Poinsett St
Greer, SC 29651

Thanks to member Jen L., we will be trying out a new restaurant this month! A couple of members have tried out the sushi at Great Bay Oyster House in Downtown Greer and I have heard great reviews. In addition to a new restaurant, we're also going to be trying a Tuesday night meetup. I hope that this new day will give some other members a greater chance of making it out. Later in September we'll also try to have another weekend meetup.

There is a website for you to check out, but it does not include the sushi menu (sorry)! For those of you that *gasp* aren't huge sushi fans, check it out: Great Bay Oyster House. I'm sure you can find something enticing enough to give you a reason to join us!

Can't wait to see you all there! biggrin


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