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From: John
Sent on: Wednesday, July 4, 2007, 12:54 PM
On Tuesday, July 10 we are having our monthly meetup for multiple groups. For those of you that have attended before you are aware that we have a large window of time. This is to be available and accommodating to as many people as possible. You are welcome to come when works for you and leave when you like. I view everyone as a self actualized adult human being and so how you participate is up to you. The experience you have is up to you. Having said that, I have some suggestions for your use of the space. If you have attended before, you are familiar with the heart consciousness, heart field or heart energy. The feedback I receive and my own personal experience is that the meetup and life in general goes along much better when lived from the heart consciousness. If you are interested in some more information on the heart field have a look at So, the sooner we as a group are in a state of heart consciousness, the happier the group becomes. I would ask everyone to take a moment before coming in to move or place their consciousness in their heart. Let's see if we can practice that.

I see my position as to create a safe, supportive space for people to explore consciousness and spirituality. I ask that everyone be respectful of each other's beliefs, thoughts, feelings and ideas. There is no need to agree, just respect. One way is to listen mindfully. This gives us a break from our own thoughts and who knows, we might learn something. This time, I would like to have some smaller groups. This way more people get to meet each other and participate or not as they like. If you have a subject or topic you would like to get together with others about, just either let me or the group know. We have lots of space so let's learn how to use that space well.

We have a room that has DVD player and TV. If you would like to bring something to watch, please do so.

We have people with a great deal of experience in the group that can be a tremendous asset as they have shown themselves to be open minded, open hearted, nonjudgmental and great people to explore with. I encourage everyone to use this space for his/herself. This will be what you make of it. The meetup can be a laboratory to bring the unconscious to conscious and so become more full actualized. Here is a good video by Deepak Chopra talking about self actualization (The title says meditation, but he talks about self actualization)

As a self actualized person, the principles in The Secret, What the Bleep, Law of Attraction, Awakening to Oneness, Quantum Physics and many other principles become a realities of life. From the self actualized state, we can select what principle would best serve us at any moment and by living in the moment be happy.

Hope to see you there.

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