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Upcoming Events in the Trek World

From: Nicole
Sent on: Monday, February 8, 2010, 9:09 PM
Hello Trekkers - I hope you are enjoying our short trip to Andoria (i.e. the snow!)
Few quick items I wanted to touch on:

1) We have one ticket left for our trip to see Avery Brooks (Sisko) in Baltimore on Feb 19 at 8pm. Let me know asap if you are interested. [address removed]

2) We have our upcoming Trek to Chesepeake Beach to watch "Star Trek" as a big group. Please RSVP

3) February 12-14 is Farpoint in Baltimore. If you are planning on attending let me know. We will try to make a time for the group to meet. As of now I might be there on Saturday.

4) You will notice that there is now a small cost to be in this meet-up. The only reason is to help me pay the $144 it cost to run a meet-up. If you cannot afford to pay, please let me know.

5) If you live or are willing to travel to the Rockville area we are looking to start watching DS9 and Voyager one day each week from start to finish. If you are interested please let me know.

As they say on Vulcan Mene Sakkhet ur- seveh.

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