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Barbecue / gathering / jam session at Roger's this Saturday evening

From: Keith O.
Sent on: Monday, March 19, 2012, 7:27 PM

Many of you may know that Roger Risk, a long-standing member of the group, and Karin who is also well known to many of us, are leaving Canberra for warmer parts and we are all invited to a farewell barbecue on Saturday evening - for an informal gathering and jam session - so bring not just your uke but any other instrument you may have in your amoury - harps and washboards welcome.  We can also farewell Ralph Shaw.

Please bring your favourite animal products and accessories, including drinks, and, if you have them, a picnic chair or two.

Anytime from 4.30 pm at 5 Rutledge Place, Wanniassa.

See you there

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