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W'burg Ultimate, Tues, July 28

From: Chris
Sent on: Sunday, July 26, 2015, 8:28 PM
Williamsburg Ultimate, Tues,  July 28, 
 5:45 PM, Warhill Sports Complex.  Look for us on turf field #2, which is where we played last week. 
Forecast: 90o and sunny.  I’ll be there this week only for a little while, then gone for the next 2 weeks.  Chris G and Matt Dabney will coordinate getting the gear to and from the next few weeks but if anybody can help them if they need it please let them know.  Thanks.
Chris S
(Weather plan: we play unless it is raining steadily or storming at game time, or if JCC closes the fields due to snow on the ground.  We do play in light/intermittent rain, cold, heat, and anything that’s not dangerous.  Keep an eye on the weather and determine if you want to drive in considering the weather.  If it looks particularly bad we’ll try to get an e-mail out by about 5:00.)