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Have you Registered for 'Grow your Business through Social Media' Thurs. July 28 @7pm

From: Helen Ogbu, CPA, M.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 20, 2016, 10:42 AM

Our Guest Speaker, Romona Foster is a highly endorsed social media trainer and consultant teaching professionals how to leverage and brand their businesses through the use of social media.

She is an engaging speaker who is passionate about all things related to social media marketing.  She trains groups and individuals on how to use LinkedIn, how to market on Facebook, all about Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and the best practices of Email Marketing.  Romona is a Constant Contact Authorized Local Expert, certified Social Media Marketing Presenter and Email Marketing Trainer. She is also a two-time recipient of the Constant Contact ALL STAR Award.

Join us for this fast, info-packed seminar packed with tips, techniques and tools to help you grow your Business!

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