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Re: [voiceacting-84] Voice Acting Meetup - Introductory Meeting

From: user 2.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 6:08 PM
Great meeting. Thanks for organizing it.
Christopher had a great idea in renting out a room at the Roundhouse Community Center. In the past I've obtained a room at the Oakridge public library at No Charge.
----- Original Message -----
From: John S.
Sent: Sunday, January 11,[masked]:24 PM
Subject: [voiceacting-84] Voice Acting Meetup - Introductory Meeting

Voice Acting Meetup Group

Well, our first meeting is now "history". Unfortunately only 8 members were in attendance - (probably due to the Golden Globe Awards on tv). Those of you who didn't "show up" missed a very pleasant evening with lots of laughs and shared stories.

We talked about the process of getting into voiceover work. I made the group aware of 4 voice coaches (Deb Munro, Cathy Weseluk, Marcy Goldberg & Hunter Phoenix) who regularly have workshops in the Vancouver area. If you refer to the "Files" section of our group's webpage, you can download their January workshop flyers.

Also in the "Files" section are quite a few articles about entering this industry. I strongly recommend you all read a few. "It's not about your voice - it's about what you can do with your voice". And there is "100+ Industry Resources for Voice Over Talent" which contains great Internet website links.

So what do we do at the next meeting? And when? I need you suggestions. Please post some ideas on the bulletin board.

It was generally agreed by the dinner group that participation in a formal voice workshop was too "soon" (and too expensive) - however we thought that if a "meeting room'" was rented, we could simulate a workshop setting, record some commercial and animation scripts, listen to successful (and not so successful) voice actor demos, and get a feel of what this whole voiceover world is about.

Thanks again to all who attended. Let's make the next meeting even better.

John S.
Voice Acting Meetup Group

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