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New Meetup: Thai Cuisine & Burlesque (the Cher movie) & Don Pablo's

From: user 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 10:28 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for WOW (Women Out West)!

What: Thai Cuisine & Burlesque (the Cher movie) & Don Pablo's

When: Sunday, November 28,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Regal Countryside 20
45980 Regal Plaza
Sterling, VA 20165

Location: Sterling, VA

Burlesque opens on 24 Nov 10. Let's meet for lunch and a matinee the Sunday following opening day (28 Nov 10). We have added Don Pablo's as an option after the movie as well.

The 4912 Thai Cuisine restaurant is located just outside the theatre.

Park and walk to both the restaurant and theatre.

The movie trailer:

The theatre:
Regal Countryside 20//45980 Regal Plaza//Sterling, VA 20165

After the movie, some WOW members are meeting at Don Pablo's mexican restaurant on Rt. 7 just down the road for more social interaction. You are welcome to stop by.

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