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New Meetup: West Waushaccum Pond in Sterling

From: Christine
Sent on: Sunday, August 8, 2010, 6:31 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Worcester Paddling Meetup Group!

What: West Waushaccum Pond in Sterling

When: Thursday, August 12,[masked]:45 PM

Paddle West Waushaccum Pond in Sterling - here's a link to the site

Thursday Aug 12 - Meet at 5:45pm, launch by 6:00.

A small but great location for an after-work, relaxing paddle.

Trip size is quite limited due to very limited parking, so if you are more than one boat to a vehicle, please sign up as just one person.

To get there -

Starting from Rt. 12 in Sterling, Rt. 12 to Gates Road, access is on left near the far end of the pond by brown gate (I believe there is another brown gate first at the entrance to the rail trail, continue a bit further to the next brown gate for the launch area).

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