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New Meetup: Buffamville Lake

From: Christine
Sent on: Sunday, August 8, 2010, 6:55 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Worcester Paddling Meetup Group!

What: Buffamville Lake

When: Sunday, August 29,[masked]:00 AM

Paddle Buffamville Lake in Charlton/Oxford.

Sunday, August 29 - Meet at the boat ramp by 10:00, launch by 10:15.

This is a quiet place to paddle, a few motorboats but suitable for beginners. We'll be on the water approximately 1 1/2 hours.

As usual PFD and whistle are required.

To get there -

Take 395 to exit 4B (Sutton Ave - Oxford Ctr). At the end of the offramp you have to go right. Stay straight on this road. The entrance to the boat ramp parking area is 2.9 miles from the end of the offramp and will be on the left. Just before the boat ramp entrance there is a horse farm on the right, and a sign that says "Launching Ramp". The entrance to the ramp is directly across from the entrance to the "Buffamville Park" picnic area.

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