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Re: [notopic-JRxcWivi] Doccaster to Provide Document Sharing Platform for WordCamp Orlando 2012

From: David A.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 9, 2012, 5:47 PM
Hi Gary,
I need you to boil this down into what the most important information is for me.
Also, what are your goals for coverage?

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 2, 2012, at 10:21 AM, Gary Lopez <[address removed]> wrote:

WordCamp Orlando 2012 is proud to announce Doccaster as its choice for document sharing and discussion at the December 1, 2012 convention. is a simple and easy to use tool which allows convention, meeting, or event participants to share and discuss documents from their mobile devices. The ultimate goal of Doccaster is to allow attendees to get the most out of their experience by providing a secure place where interaction with people, ideas and information can happen faster.

Kyle Christian Steele, Co-founder and CEO of Doccaster explained, “As a local startup, we’re proud that Orlando WordCamp 2012 is using our solution to help their attendees have a one of a kind experience. Traditionally, people can only attend one session at a time, but our solution changes the game. Now people will be able to digest content and engage people from multiple sessions right from their mobile device.”

WordCamp is a conference that focuses on everything WordPress. WordCamps are informal, community-organized events that are put together by WordPress users. Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other.

With so much information available at WordCamp Orlando 2012, Doccaster gives the speakers and organizers a single source solution where the attendees can efficiently share and download all the presentations and related information.

Orlando is now considered the Silicon Valley of the East Coast and Orlando WordCamp 2012 is the largest web development conference in Florida.

For more information on Orlando WordCamp 2012:

w: |

Visit for more information on Doccaster or contact Kyle Christian Steele at:

d:[masked] | e [address removed] |twitter: @kylecsteele

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