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A New Kind of News Network

From: Zak C.
Sent on: Monday, April 14, 2014, 4:06 PM
The problem – A small handful of mega corporations control some 90% of the news media in America, and distrust in the mainstream media is at all time highs.  Independent and online media to date has tended to be biased towards one side of the political spectrum or the other, or has lacked the professionalism necessary to be taken seriously, along with lack of funds to really invest in boots on the ground investigating and fact checking of stories.
Starting up a network in the mold of the traditional network would be cost prohibitive, and with the way video content is being viewed in 2014, also wouldn’t make sense.
The solution – Starting a non traditional network by focusing on one show and producing great quality content, getting it on as many online and mobile (Roku, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Netflix, etc) platforms as possible, before looking to add another show. 
Since I started working with Ben Swann (a 30 something news anchor with 14 years of journalism experience  we’ve taken some steps forward with our plans to build a news network around Ben, the “EMP News Network.”  Ben has a proven track record of asking equally tough questions to both Republicans and Democrats and holding their feet to the fire - -   - Real news goes beyond politics though and so do the stories we cover, and we are out to show that Humanity is Greater than Politics.
We’ve launched a Roku channel to help distribute our videos -!details/35662/ben-swann-truth-in-media  - and we are about 2 weeks away from Amazon Prime adding our Season 1 content to their platforms, and our broker is in talks with Hulu and other video distributors. 
To help keep our independence, we’re looking for companies to advertise with us that aren’t afraid of the truth, won’t dictate to us what we cover, and aren’t afraid of a little controversy.  We’re also crowd funding, and we need your help to keep going.  Please consider donating to our effort to make our Season 2 happen @
On top of that, we’re looking for investors to help us take things to the next level.  If you’re interested in knowing more and would like to have a conversation/advertise/see our business plans, etc, please write me at zakcarter (at)
And thank you for your time!